Onsite Volunteers
The meal will take place at Edwards Church (297 Main St, Northampton). For your shift, please enter through the back door on State St.
We request that you wear closed toe shoes and long pants, as we will be working with hot food and we want everyone to be covered in case of splatters or spills. We ask for your patience and cooperation with this, as our utmost priority is the safety and health of all of our volunteers, staff, and guests. Please contact Kim with any questions related to your volunteer shift – 413.695.3514
Delivery Drivers
The meal delivery will also take place at Edwards Church. Due to the amount of drivers and our priority to avoid any crowding or long lines, we have staggered drivers into 30 minute intervals.
We will again be using the St. Mary’s parking lot, which is the lot located on State St. across from Fly by Night. There will be signs pointing you in the right direction and then volunteer staff at the site directing you to where you need to go. We will get the meals and the address cards together for you and bring them to your car.
Each address card will have any special instructions for letting the recipient(s) know that their meal has arrived, please remember that you may be the only people that our guest sees on this holiday. Thank you for taking the time to connect with them.
Please contact Kim with any questions related to your delivery volunteer shift 413.695.3514