48 Elm St Northampton MA 01060

HRH413 developed Harm Reduction Works-HRW in response to the need for a harm reduction based alternative to abstinence only self-help/mutual aid groups. This is NOT in opposition to abstinence only groups. Harm Reduction Works-HRW is really for anyone who wants to know more about harm reduction and how it might help, for any reason regardless of their using or drinking history. This includes people with long term abstinence based recovery who actively participate in other groups such as 12 step. We say this explicitly because the typical narrative mistakenly places harm reduction in opposition to abstinence.
Harm reduction includes abstinence.
Harm reduction does not oppose abstinence.
Harm Reduction Works-HRW is a low threshold group to begin. Because it is fully scripted and exercise driven (choosing exercises is left to each group individually) it is conceivable someone with little knowledge of harm reduction can start a group and begin to explore what harm reduction is and how it might help them and those they love, in community.